The global history database is currently empty local storage data register 全局历史记录数据库当前为空局部存储器的数据寄存器
A Design Process Control Approach Based on Design History Database 基于设计历史数据库的设计过程控制
The Research of Symptoms of Abdominal Pain Type Specification Based on Doctors Medical Case History Database 基于历代名医医案数据库的腹痛类症状规范研究
NET technology to connect the data with history database. NET技术实现采集数据的数据库连接;
This paper summarized the characters of historical data in process industry and defined the models of signal tag, process data and history database property. 总结了流程工业历史数据的特点,定义了信号点、过程数据以及历史数据库等的数据模型。
Secondly the integration mode of imformation is discussed. The embedded operation system and PHD ( process history database) is used to realize the collection and storage of the data of measure instrument. 其次探讨了IQMMS的信息集成方式,提出了利用嵌入式操作系统、实时数据库(PHD)实现计量仪表的数据采集与存储;
As an important part of a distributed monitoring and diagnosis system, history database system is the signal sources of the fault diagnosis and condition analysis. 历史数据库系统作为分布式监测诊断系统的一个重要组成部分,为故障诊断、工况分析提供信号来源。
The paper expounds the development method and the train of thought in the application of VC++ 6.0 to non-standard history curve control of monitor system software and introduces the design of history database. 文章阐述了运用VC+6.0对监控系统软件中非标准历史曲线控件的开发方法及思路,并介绍了历史数据库的设计。
We can not only supply field aboriginal data to the HMI/ SCADA applying program, group disposal program, history database but also linking the applying procedure and physical equipment. 人们既可以通过OPC将现场控制设备的原始数据提供给作为数据的使用者(OPC客户程序)的HMI/SCADA,批处理等自动化程序以及更上层的历史数据库等应用程序;
The running system gathers real-time data and saves them into the history database. 运行系统负责采集工业现场实时数据,并将数据保存进历史数据库;
The Research about History Database in Process Industry 流程工业历史数据库的研究
Different from traditional nearest neighbor algorithm, the number of neighbors is not constant, but dependent on the recorders that can be found in history database. 与传统最近邻法不同,近邻的个数不设为常量,而取决于所能搜索到的记录数;
My task is to design the drawing configuration, the equipment property database configuration and the history database configuration. 本文介绍了绘图软件包组态、设备属性数据库组态、历史数据库组态的设计。
Data Chang based on APP and the Realize the Distributed History Database APP平台下的数据转换与分布式历史数据库的实现
The software of upper-computer is the configuration of system monitor chart. It comprises the design of user flow chart, the configuration of history database, real-time data display and alarm monitor. 上位机组态为系统监控画面组态,包括用户流程图设计、历史数据库组态、实时数据显示组态、报警监控组态、报表打印组态等。
The dissertation puts forward the model of database configuration. The configuration software can build the real-time database and history database according to the configuration of the developers. 本文提出了比较通用的数据库组态模型,程序可以自动生成实时数据库与历史数据库。
The rehabilitation assessment method of the anklebone function is proposed and rehabilitation case history database of patients is built up. 提出踝关节功能康复测评方法,并建立患者康复病案数据库。
This paper also gives three aspects of database designing, including concept model 、 logic model 、 physics model for province fundamental geographic database. And it makes database into three sorts from data management and integration, including result database 、 history database 、 Information service database; 本文对省级基础地理空间数据库进行了概念模型、逻辑模型、物理模型三方面的设计,并从数据管理和数据集成的角度把数据库分为三类,包括成果数据库、历史数据库、信息服务数据库;
So it will be valuable to develop an open architecture of history database, improve the storing and querying process and the compression algorithm of historical data. 因此,研究一套具有开放性的历史数据库体系结构,改善历史数据存储和查询过程、改进历史数据压缩方法,将会是一项很有意义的研究,有利于打破国外技术壁垒。
The control connects with history database through interface by ADO. and the control looks very beautiful and it can display eight color-various curve lines, furthermore, the curve line selected can be hide at any moment. 控件通过ADO访问技术和历史数据库相连接,该控件界面友好,能同时显示8根颜色各异的曲线,而且可以随时隐藏已经显示的曲线。
An Up to Date Design for History Database in Dam Safety Monitoring System 新型大坝安全监测系统历史数据库的设计与实现
Methods By utilizing the medical history database of the patients of three municipal hospitals in the year of 1998,2001 and 2004, the status of drug using for the treatment of CHF patients were analyzed. 方法采用绵阳市3所医院1998、2001和2004年住院慢性心力衰竭患者病历数据库,对慢性心力衰竭患者使用药物治疗状况进行调查分析。
The instrument has two kinds of power control modes to give proper RF power. The intelligent case history database management system ( DBMS) provides doctors with reliable dots for designing treatment planning. 仪器有两种功率控制模式控制射频功率的输出,采用智能化病历数据库管理系统,为医生制定治疗计划提供可靠的依据。
On Development of History Database System in Distributed Monitoring and Diagnosis System 分布式监测诊断系统中历史数据库系统开发的设计
A method of sharing main memory database in multiprocess by means of memory-mapping file in dynamic-link library ( DLL) is presented, and of realizing application program interface ( API) of RTDB, data compression, memory-based history database and disk-based history database is also given. 提出在DLL中利用内存映像文件来实现多进程共享内存数据库的方法,同时给出了实时数据库接口、数据压缩、内存历史数据库和磁盘历史数据库的实现方法。
Methods: According to the "medical case history database" of the statistical results and other books on Chinese medicine symptoms of abdominal pain clinical performance category norms and finishing, and type of symptoms of abdominal pain units to give a preliminary definition of language meaning. 方法:根据历代名医医案数据库的统计结果和其他中医症状相关书籍对腹痛类四诊信息进行规范和整理,并对腹痛类症状单元的文字内涵给予初步界定。
Typhoon assessment factors were identified from disaster pregnant environment, disaster factors, disaster bodies based on typhoon disaster in the history database of Hainan Island. 在海南岛台风灾害历史数据库和台风致灾因子分析的基础上,从孕灾环境、承灾体、致灾因子综合方面确定了台风灾害评估的影响因子。
The data monitoring centre is prepared by the VB language. It provides a friendly user interface. Though connecting with the background SQL 2000 Server database, it displays the received data by real-time curve, and automatically stores the data into the history database preparing for query. 上位机系统使用VB语言编写,为用户提供了一个友好的人机交互界面,并与后台SqlServer2000数据库相连,通过曲线实时显示接收到的数据,并自动导入历史数据库以备查询。
After that, recording to the history database of the supervising& controlling system, we do the reactive power compensate for the equipment and achieve the optimization operation. 然后根据监控系统的历史数据库,对相关设备经行无功补偿,实现其最优化运行。